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       台灣救狗協會 Taiwan Dog Saving association



  除了救護流浪狗的行動之外,協會亦計劃與護生協會合作共流,透過各類相關活動呼籲大眾重視生命,愛惜生命,使人與萬物之間,皆能互愛共存,進而能消弭 暴戾之氣,促進社會祥和。在與印經協會相關之合作方面,則計劃製作、發行以「愛護流浪狗」為主題之影音光碟、書籍等,以宣導本會愛護動物之理念。



        Holding the belief that we should “treat the sentient beings with loving-kindness and compassion because all are equal,” Dogs Saving Association, urged into establishment in 2007 by Ven. Hai Tao, specializes in saving the surrendered dogs from inhumane extermination and arranging them in the animal sanctuary for further nurturing.  


  Moreover, Dogs Saving Association also plans to cooperate with Love for Life Association to hold events that call on the public to value and cherish life, so that an environment of mutual love allowing the co-existence of all creatures can be formed and a harmonious society without brutality expected.  


  Dogs Saving Association would also work with Sutra Printing Association to produce and release video discs and books featuring love for strayed dogs to transmit the idea of loving animals.



        For more info , 相關訊息請洽:website: 台灣救狗協會網站

CERA is a group of dedicated volunteers working for the welfare of stray and abandoned dogs in Taiwan and the British Columbia lower mainland.



Since 2008 our volunteers have supported Ocean Dog Rescue (ODR) through fundraising, education programs, fostering, and home/reference checks for over three hundred dogs & their new families. With their support, ODR has had a successful track record of overseas dog adoptions.



The volunteers, still very much dedicated to the cause have now incorporated the non-profit organization – Canine Education Rescue and Adoption (CERA). They pledge to continue their efforts in both local and overseas dog adoption. The organization’s name reflects our mandate of educating people about responsible dog ownership and helping abused dogs in Taiwan and the BC lower mainland to find their own forever loving home.


Please click below photos for more information of adopting dogs..

   需要全年台北飛溫哥華華航的旅客幫忙當護犬大使!!!有直飛溫哥華、舊金山以及LA和西雅圖的計劃的旅客也可,全程不需自己付狗狗多出的費用, 所有費用由義工募款承擔。只需要提供航班資料及基本資料供狗狗辦理體檢,出發當天提前1-2小時到機場,等義工幫忙狗狗順利通關後即可上飛機,到當地也有 義工會幫忙協助帶領狗狗出關,之後即大功告成。時間緊急!!!拜託~請幫忙分享及詢問!!小小愛心,可以幫忙狗狗有新的領養家庭生存環境,免殺生之禍!

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